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What should the pet owner do after being confirmed positive for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COIVD-19)?

As Coronavirus disease 2019 (COIVD-19) quickly spreads across Taiwan recently, Taipei City Animal Protection Office has started to offer emergency shelters in response. If the pet owners become a confirmed case of COVID-19 and have no other relatives or friends who can help on taking care of their animals, Taipei City Animal Protection Office will send our officers to pick up the animals to our emergency isolation shelters. The animals will be quarantined and provided with appropriate daily care. The owner will be liable for the cost of 200 NTD/day for the emergency shelter fee, which is up to a maximum of 3000NTD. If the animal must be treated with medical assistance, the owner is then liable for any costs incurred.
There is no evidence shows that animals which confirmed positive for COVID-19 can transmit the virus to human. To actual prevent the transmission of COVID-19, it is recommended to take precautions for both you and your pet, minimize all contact with other people and to follow the self-health monitoring for severe pneumonia with novel pathogens spread to keep the disease away from you.